Red Lips

A resplendent basket adorned with 250 scarlet roses, creating a majestic bouquet of sheer opulence. This lavish arrangement exudes elegance with its blooming crimson blossoms, forming a sumptuous display that captivates the senses, embodying timeless romance and sheer floral grandeur.
Flower Care
Delivery & Terms of Service


Please note: Flow team will occasionally need to substitute one or more blooms of equal cost, quality & look to prepare your arrangement (due to seasonal supply)

Flower Care

  1. Don’t forget to replenish the water frequently. Change the water every 2 days.
  2. Re-cut the stems before you put flowers in a vase and each time you change water.
  3. Immediately remove dying flowers and leaves.
  4. Do not place your flowers near fruit or vegetables.
  5. Store the flowers in a cool room away from direct sunlight & heat. Avoid windowsills.
  6. If your flowers came in a box or other container, add fresh water daily.

Delivery & Terms of Service

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